Mother of a son with Autism

Mother of a son with Autism

Ethan Grecian
Mother of a son with Autism
Mother of a son with Autism

When my son, Ethan was diagnosed with Autism there were little if any services related to psychiatric care in our rural area. In order for him to receive the best and appropriate care we had to travel hundreds of miles away from my home. This was very difficult on him and the doctors did not see an accurate picture of his mental health because he was always in an anxious and irritable state from his travels. When we were introduced to telemedicine services it provided a unique opportunity for Ethan to receive specialized pediatric psychiatric services in our area. Most importantly, it allows the doctors from Cedars-Saini to see Ethan in an environment that was familiar to him, along with support staff from Connecting to Care, that are also familiar with him. This has resulted in an accurate assessment of his mental health so evaluations and therapeutic interventions are appropriate providing the best treatments and positive results. We would like to express a heartfelt Thank You to Connecting to Care for providing this wonderful resource to our region. – Gina Grecian

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